Friday, May 7, 2010

Java House Design

Javanese houses became more perfect shape than in the previous formation. Previous forms as simple as building form "panggangpe", "village" and "pyramid". The buildings are structurally more perfect is the traditional building form of "Joglo". These buildings generally have a square plan, has four main pillars in the middle peruangannya we refer to as 'pillars'. Saka teacher works to sustain blandar "mixing it" a tiered upwards increasingly widening upwards and usually odd and carved. Carving on intercropping, indicating the owner's social status. To lock the pillars of the structure provided "sunduk" so-called "koloran" or "kendhit". Location koloran have under intercropping which serves to lock and connect to the four "pillars" into one entity. Intercropping usuk timber serves as a pedestal to hold the structure "brunjung and Molo and usuk which extends up the pole" overhang "Joglo building. In its development. This building has many variations Joglo additions change the structure of an increasingly enhance traditional house.


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